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Pre-Shipment Inspection | 5 very Common Problems

Over the past few years, the use of technology has made its way into the world of trade as well. Trade operators can now finalize business contracts with multinational companies and suppliers over phone calls, video calls, and emails. However, with this ease of managing international trade, the expansion of new businesses has increased and so has the marketing competition.

Pre-Shipment Inspection in 7 Simple Steps

Implementing an inspection method is an essential factor in the quality control domain for every trade operator including sellers, manufacturers, and buyers who take pride in their supreme quality standards and delighted customers. In recent times, plenty of inspection procedures have been oriented which are executed at several distinct stages during the manufacturing and shipment processes. However, Pre-Shipment Inspection is the kind that is now widely conducted to gain an upper hand in quality control. All thanks to its numerous benefits.

6 Key Benefits of Outsourcing Your Quality Control

In recent times, the pre-shipment quality check has been incorporated as a critical face in quality control and supply chain management, by almost every leading company across the globe. This strategy ensures that quality standards are assessed and maintained prior to making payments. Insourcing and outsourcing are the approaches to attain supreme quality control.

How to choose the right inspection company in China?

It is a well-known fact that sellers and retailers who trade in commodities being manufactured in China find it necessary to employ supreme quality inspection services that are also reliable and operate according to original specifications. The primary intention of carrying out an inspection at various phases before, during, and after manufacture is to ascertain product specifications, prevent costly risks, and avert unsatisfactory products from reaching the market.

I Completely Trust My Supplier. Do I Still Need an Inspection?

When it comes to conducting a Pre-Shipment Inspection, a common viewpoint is that it aims to ascertain that a supplier delivers the quality and quantity as promised. However, trade operators who are fully confident in their suppliers, don’t deem a third-party inspection to be an essential part of quality control.